WHERE to Find BLACK DIAMONDS in LOTR: Return To Moria (Guide)

It’s in the lower depths… you just have to fight orc bosses (and Saruman’s wife).

Ah, the pursuit of those elusive black diamonds in the depths of Moria, where even Gandalf’s map quest skills might fail! Brace yourselves, for this isn’t just a treasure hunt—it’s a journey filled with more twists and turns than Gimli’s ego.

Step 1: Don’t Follow Gimli’s Directions Let’s be honest, trusting Gimli’s sense of direction is like asking an orc for a recipe. He’s more likely to lead you into a troll’s den than to the black diamonds. But hey, following his wrong turns might lead to some unintentional comedic relief! Trolls don’t carry Black Diamonds, but Orc Bosses do. Watch the video below, it explains better than me.

source: Black Diamonds Tutorial in Return to Moria (Youtube)

Step 2: Make Sarcastic Remarks Saruman, oh Saruman, the guy who thought turning to the dark side was a fashion statement. If you spot his henchmen, be sure to throw some sarcastic comments their way—it might distract them long enough for you to sneak past and find those sparkly black gems. He was also Count Dooku, dunno if that counts (pun pun pun).

Step 3: Engage in Riddle-offs In Moria, it’s not just about brute force—nay, it’s about mental agility. Engage in riddle-offs with any ancient statues you find; they might just spill the beans on where the diamonds are hidden. And who knows, maybe Gimli will surprise you and actually solve one! Pls don’t name your character Gimli… this isn’t LOTRO, this is Return to Moria.

source: Where to find the Orc Boss Bolgakh (YT)

Step 4: Befriend the Cave Creatures Those creepy cave creatures might look intimidating, but a little charm offensive never hurt. Offer them some dwarf-made ale (Gimli’s recommendation, of course) or engage in a dance-off (they’ve got some killer moves) to win their favor. They might just guide you to the treasure. The “first” boss Bolgakh has the most diamonds of any boss in game (video above).

Step 5: Blame It All on Sauron If all else fails, blame Sauron for hiding the black diamonds so well. I mean, the guy has a flair for secrecy, right? Maybe he mistook them for his precious ring and hid them away in frustration.

Remember, this journey is about the experience, the laughter, and perhaps discovering that the real black diamonds were the friendships you made along the way. Or maybe they’re just hidden behind one of Gimli’s beard braids—who knows! This game is pretty cool.

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